• 2012.
• Popis
svih novih naslova u fondu 2012. (.pdf)
• Popis
naslova knjiga iz godišnje nabave za zavode - 2011./2012. g. (.pdf)
• Popis svih
novih naslova u fondu 2011.g. (.pdf)
• Popis
svih novih naslova u fondu 2010.g. (.pdf)
• Popis naslova knjiga iz Godišnje
nabave 2009/2010.- za Zavode i RC (.pdf)
XXX Adobe InDesign CS4
XXX CADAM 2009 (7th International Conference on Computer Aided
Design and Manufacturing)
XXX DAAAM 2002 (13th International
Symposium" Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation")
XXX Dictionary of computer words
XXX Ekonomski leksikon
XXX Godišnjak Tehničkog fakulteta u Rijeci 2008/2009
XXX ICCSM 2009 (6th Internationa congres of Croatian society of
XXX Magnetic bearings : theory, design, and applications to rotating
XXX Pravila za statutarnu certifikaciju pomorskih brodova- Dio
XXX Pravila za klasifikaciju pomorskih
brodova- Dio 26
XXX Rules for the classification of ships
- Part 2; Part 3
XXX Sorta 2008 (Simpozij Teorija i praksa
XXX Technologies for the processing and
retrieval of semi-structured documents
Basan, R. : Zamor i oštećenja materijala
boka zuba zupčanika (doktor.disert.)
Brnić,J.; ... Analiza deformabilnih tijela metodom konačnih elemenata
Burbidge,J.L. Production planning
Collin,S. Kako radi multimedija
Cozzens, R. Catia V5 : verzija 17
Črnjar, M.;...Menadžment održivoga razvoja
: ekonomija, ekologija, zaštita okoliša
Faranulović, M. Oštećenje korijena zuba zupčanika zbog niskocikličnog
zamora materijala (doktor. disert.)
Gilat, A. Uvod u MATLAB 7.5
Gischel,B. EPLAN electric P8 : reference
Glendinning, E.H. Oxford english for electrical
and mechanical engineering
Graf,D. Business in an information economy
Horvat, A.;...Knjižnice i autorsko pravo
Johnson, S. Adobe Flash CS4 Professional
na dlanu
Johnson, S. Adobe Photoshop CS4 na dlanu
Johnson, S. Microsoft Office 2007
na dlanu
Johnson, S. Microsoft Office PowerPoint
2007 na dlanu
Južnić,H. Alati osiguranja kvalitete u
proizvodnji brodskih sporohodnih motora (mag.rad)
Kraut, B. Krautov strojarski priručnik
(11. hrv. izd.)
Kreyszig,E. Student solutions manual and
study guide for advanced engineering mathematics
Lopac,V. Leksikon fizike
MacDonald,M. Access 2007 : uputstvo koje
vam nedostaje
Mikac, T.;...Organizacija i upravljanje
Miller,A.; ... Strategic management
Muljević, V. Englesko-hrvatski elektrotehnički
Ožegović,M. Električne energetske mreže.
Svezak 5; Svezak 6
Parkinson, C.N.; ... Biblija za menadžere
Pelić, V. Povećanje učinkovitosti električne
propulzije broda korištenjem energije ispušnih plinova (mag.rad)
Prljača,N.; ... Automatsko upravljanje:
Analiza i dizajn
Prpić-Oršić,J. Osnove dinamike broda
Richardson, E.G. Technical aspects of sound
Rogić,A;... Polimeri i polemerne tvorevine
šavle,S. Male tajne Photoshopa
Šehić, Z.; ... Zbirka riješenih zadataka
iz diskretnih sistema automatske regulacije
Šercer,M.; ... Konstruiranje polimernih
Šošić, I. Primjenjena statistika
Šribar, J.;...Elektronički elementi : zbirka
riješenih zadataka i izvoda. Dio1; Dio2
Tickoo, S. SolidWorks 2008 za mašinske
Toogood,R. Pro/Engineering Wildfire 4.0
Vidović, B. Model analize operativne spremnosti
tehničkih sustava kopnene vojske oružanih snaga RH (mag.r)
XXX Digital
Human Modeling:First International Conference
XXX Handbook of cathodic corrosion protection
: theory and practice of electrochemical protection processes
XXX Gubici elektične energije u razdjelnim
XXX Međunarodni kongres energija i okoliš
XXX Međunarodni skup MIPRO 2008
XXX Pravila za tehnički nadzor pomorskih
brodova (2008)
XXX Safety Standard for Pressure Vessels
for Human Occupancy PVHO-2-2003
XXX Savjetovanje o morskoj tehnologiji
XXX Strategija Tehničkog fakulteta Sveučilišta
u Rijeci za razdoblje 2007.-2013.
XXX Welding, Brazing and Soldering: ASM
Hanbook Volume 6
Abraham A. Evolutionary Multiobjective
Optimization:Theoretical Advances and Applications
Adachi H…. Hartree-Fock-Slater Method for
Materioals Science .The DV-X Alpha Method
Ang A.H.-S. P robability Concepts in Engineering
Planning and Design
Ang A.H.-S. Probability concepts in engineering
: emphasis on applications in civil & environmental engineering
Annamalai, K. Combustion science and engineering
Aris, R. Vectors,Tensors and the Basic
Equations of Fluid Mechanics
Barnett R…. Primijenjena matematika za
poslovanje,ekonomiju,znanosti o živom svijetu i humanističke znanosti
Bedford, T. Probabilistic Risk Analysis,
Foundations and Methods
Beiser, A. Theory and Problems of Applied
Bellifemine F.L. Developing Multi-Agent
Systems with JADE
Bishop C.M. Pattern Recognition and Machine
Boyle G. Renewable Energy
Brnetić.I… Višestruki integrali : Matematika
Cap F.F. Mathematical Mhetods in Physics
and Engineering with Mathematica
Carlton, J.S. Marine propellers and propulsion
Chakrabarti, S.K. Offshore structure modeling
Chakrabarti, S.K. The Theory and Practice
of Hydrodynamics and Vibration
Chapman B…. Using OpenMP:Portable Shared
Memory Parallel Programming
Cheney W…. Numerical Mathematics and Computing
Cole, J. Using moodle
Čanađija, M. Finite strain thermoplasticity
: constitutive theory and numerical implementation
Davis S. Microhydro:Clean Power from Water
Deb K. Multi-Bjective Optimization Using
Decker K.H. Elementi strojeva
Devore J.L. Probability and Statistics
for Engineering and the Sciences
Dundović, Č. Prekrcajna sredstva prekidnoga
Dundović, Č…. Tehnologija i organizacija
Dutoit T. An Introduction to Text-to-Speach
Ehman K.T. Micromanufacturing
Elezović, N. Diferencijalne jednadžbe :
Matematika 2
Elezović, N. Diskretna vjerojatnost : Vjerojatnost
i statistika
Elezović, N. Fourierov red i integral,
Laplaceova trensformacija : Matematika 3
Elezović, N. Slučajne varijable : Vjerojatnost
i statistika
Elezović, N. Statistika i procesi : Vjerojatnost
i statistika
Fowler K.R. Electronic Instrument Design:Architecting
for the Life Cycle
Galović, A. Termodinamika I
Ginsburg, D. Implementing ADSL
Glendinning, E.H. Oxford english for information
Goswami D.Y. Energy Conversion
Herold K.E. Absorption Chiller and Heat
Holmes M.H. Introduction to Perturbation
Hrvatsko društvo za mehaniku. Zbornik radova
drugog susreta Hrvatskoga društ va za mehaniku...
International Conference on Computer Aided Design
and Manufacturing. CADAM 2008 : proceedings
Jelali M…. Hydraulic Servo-Systems
Jones M…. Mobile Interaction Design
Jubilarni međunarodni skup MIPRO. MIPRO
Kalea, M. Prijenos električne energije,
što je to?
Kamrani A. Rapid Prototyping:Theory and
Katavić, I. Uvod u materijale
Keating, E.L. Applied combustion
Kersting W.H. Distribution System Modeling
and Analysis
Kloos K.H. Schraubenverbindungen…
Komadina P. Brodovi multimodalnog transportnog
Kovačić, Z. Osnove robotike
Korkut, L…. Vektorska analiza : Matematika
Kundu, P. K. Fluid mechanics
Kundur P. Power System Stability and Control
Kuzmanović, B. Osnove elektrotehnike 1
Kuzmanović, B. Osnove elektrotehnike 2
Labiod H…. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee and
Law, C.K. Combustion physics
Lewis F.L… Optimal and Robust Estimation
Librescu L…. Thin-Walled Composite Beams
Liou F.W. Rapid Prototyping and Engineering
Applications:A Toolbox for Prototype Deve.
Liu W.K…. Nano Mechanics and Materials:Theory,Multiscale
Methods and Applications
Lončar, J. Osnovi elektrotehnike
Love, S. Understanding mobile human-computer
Lukas H.L…. Computational Thermodynamics
Madsen D. Engineering Drawing and Design
Manwell J.F…. Wind Energy Explained
Marunić, G.... Inženjerska grafika: zbirka
zadataka iz opisa oblika
Mattson T.G…. Patterns for Parallel Programming
Međunarodni simpozij Peter Salcher i Ernst Mach.
Uspješna timska suradnja : knjiga sažetaka
Melchers, R.E. Structural Realialibility
Analysis and Prediction
Meštrović K. Sklopni aparati srednjeg i
visokog napona
Mikac, T.... Organizacija poslovnih sustava
Mirošević, G....Projektiranje, gradnja
i održavanje dalekovoda
Molland, A.F. Marine Rudders and Control
Surfaces: Principles, Data, Design and Application
Moran M.J…. Fundamentals of Engineering
Newland D.E. An Introduction to Random
Vibrations,Spectral and Wavelet Analysis
Niemi, E…. Fatigue Analysis of Welded Components:
Designer's Guide to the Structural Hot-spot Stress Approach
Omura, G. Osnove programa AutoCAD 2008
Partrikalakis N.M. Shape Interrogation
for Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
Patel, M.R. Wind and Solar Power Systems
Design, Analysis and Operation
Pavčević, M.-O. Uvod u teoriju grafova
: Matematika 3
Poling B.E…. The Properties of Gases and
Radaj, D…. Fatigue Assesment of Welded
Joinbts by Local Approaches
Ravlić, V. Cijevne sabirnice u visokonaponskim
Roberts G…. Toll Steels
Sadiku M.N.O. Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics
Saleh J.M. Fluid Flow Handbook
Saxena A. Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics
for Engineers
Schroeder W…. Vizualization Toolkit:An
Object-Oriented Approach to 3D Graphic
Sedra A.S. Microelectronic Circuits
Shen W…. Multi-Agent Systems for Concurrent
Intelligent Design and Manufacturing
Shukla A. Practical Fracture Mechanics
in Design
Simpson, A. Windows vista biblija
Soares C.G. Advancements in Marine Structures:Proceedings
of the 1st Marstruct Int.Con.
Srinivasan V. Theory of Dimensioning- An
Introduction to Patameterizing Geometric Models
Swift R J.…. A Course in Ordinary Differentioal
Tehnički fakultet u Rijeci. Strategija
Tehničkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci za razdoblje 2007.-20013.
Terao K. Irreversible Phenomena:Ignitions,Combastion
and Detonation Waves
Tickoo, S. Solid Works 2006 za mašinske
Thake J. The Micro-Hydro Pelton Turbine
Manual:Design, Manufacture and Installation
Thoma J…. Simulation with Entropy in Engineering
Toogood, R. Pro/Engineer Wildfire 3.0
Turns, S.R. Thermodynamics : concepts and
Twardowski T.E. Introduction to Nanocomposite
Materials:Properties, Processing,Characterization
Vas P. Sensorless Vector and Direct Torque
Ventura, G. The art of cryogenics : low-temperature
experimental techniques
Vukotić, V. Interventni helidromi
Vulin, R. Od sada programiramo u C-u
Vulin, R. Zbirka riješenih zadataka iz
Vranić D…. Tereti u pomorskom prometu
Vrankić M. Signali i sustavi,zbirka riješenih
Walkenbach, J. Excel 2007 Biblija
Werner R. Održavanje razdjelnih mreža
Woyczynski W.A. A first Course in Statistics
for Signal Analysis
Wright H. Introduction to Scientific Visualization
Zec D. Sigurnost na moru
Zhou K…. Robust and Optimal Control
Žubrinić, D. Uvod u diskretnu matematiku
: Matematika 3
Baier, H.; Ricken, N. Schnellkupplungssysteme
: zeitsparende verbindungen fuer fluidische und elektrische leitungen
Barkat, M. Signal
detection and estimation
Barrass, C.B. Ship
stability : notes & examples
Barrass, C.; Derrett, D.R.
Ship stability for masters and mates
Bastos, J.P.A.; Sadowski, N. Electromagnetic
modeling by finite element methods
Beetham, H.; Sharpe, R. Rethinking
pedagogz for a digital age : designing and delivering e-learning
Bhatti, M.A. Advanced
topics in finite element analysis of structures : with mathematica and
MATLAB computations
Biran, A.B. Ship
hydrostatics and stability
Boardman, T. 3ds
max 7 : kroz primere
Boisson,P. Safety
at sea : policies, regulations & international law
Boldea, I.; Nasar, S.A. Vector
control of AC drives
Brodić, T. Osnove
elektrotehnike i elektronike
Brodić, T. Osnove
energetske elektronike
Brodić, T.; Jurin, G. Svjetlovodna
tehnika : svjetlovodne niti i njihova primjena u telekomunikacijama
Brosch, P.F. Mechatronische
Antriebssysteme : getriebemotoren mit integriertem frequenzumrichter
Brosch, P.F. Motion
Control : konzept, systemaufbau und anwendung
Budde, L.; Pilgrim, R.
Stanznieten und durchsetzfuegen : systematik und verfahrensberichreibung
umformtechnischer fuegetechnologien
Burkhardt, C.; Balmer, B. Entkoppelelemente
in der Fahzeugtechnik : flexible verbindung zwischen motor und abgasanlage
Chakrabarti, S.K. Handbook
of offshore engineering
Chakrabarti, S.K. Numerical
models in fluid-structure interaction
Chapelle, H. I. Boatbuilding
: a complete handbook of wooden boat construcxtion
Christoph,R.; Neumann, H.J. Multisensor-Koordinatenmesstechnik
: produktionsnahe optisch-taktile mass-, form- und lagebstimung
Chung, T.J. Computational
fluid dynamics
ideas on ship stability/ D. Vassalos, M.,Hamamoto, A.Papanikolau,
Dean, R.G.; Dalrymple, R.A.
Water wave mechanics for engineers and scientists
Dach, H.; Gruhle, W.-D.; Koepf, P. Pkw-automatgetriebe
: sicher, komfortabel und wirtschaftlich fahren
Decker, K.H. Elementi
Delišimunović, D.
Management zaštite i sigurnost
Dixon, S.L. Fluid
mechanics, fhermodynamics of turbomachinery
Dotson, C. Fundamentals
of dimensional metrology
Duda, R.O.; Hart, P.E.; Stork, D.G.
Pattern classification
Đurović, G. Elektrotehnika
1 : zbirka zadataka
Đurović, G.
Elektrotehnika 2 : zbirka zadataka
Edwards, A.J. ISO
14001 environmental certification : step by step
Ehrenstein, G.W. Mit
kunststoffen konstruieren : eine einfuehrung
Elischewski, K.; Heimann, E. H. Automatiktueren
und ihre antriebe : vorteile. funktion und aufbau
i okoliš / Danilo Feretić ....[et al.]
Elezović, N. Linearna
algebra : (s 58 crteža)
Ernst, A. Digitale
Laengen- und Winkelmesstechnik : Positionsmesssysteme fuer der maschinenbau
und die elektronikindustrie
Eyres, D.J. Ship
Faltinsen, O.M. Hydrodynamics
of high-speed marine vehicles
Faltinsen, O.M. Sea
loads on ships and offshore structures
and fracture / S. R. Lampman ...[et al.]
mechanics / J.F. Douglas, J.M. Gasiorek, J.A. Swaffied, L.B. Jack
Foitzik, B. Filtertechnologie
fuer hydrauliksysteme : optimale konzepte fuer filtersysteme in der fluidtechnik
Fraden, J. Handbook
of modern sensors : physics, designs and applications
Frick, W. Gewindeeinsaetze
: Systemprodukte fier sichere Schraubenverbindungen
Gasch, R.;Twele, J.
Wind power plants : fundamentals, design, construction and operation
Gay, D.; Hoa, S.V. Composite
materials : design and applications
Gaythwaite, J.W. Design
of marine facilities for the berthing, mooring, and repair of vessels
Gerl, B. Innovative
automobilantriebe : konzepte auf der basis von brennstoffze, traktionsbatterien
und alternativen kraftstoffen
Gerwick, Ben C. Construction
of marine and offshore structures
Gilat, A. Uvod
u MATLAB 7 sa primerima : prevod drugog izdanja
Glavan, N.; Mandić, L.; Dobrinić, J. Zbirka
riješenih primjera iz Fizike II
Golde, H.-D. Ultraschall-
metallschweissen : funktionsweise und anwendung einer hochwertigen verbindungstechnik
Gonzales, R.C.; Woods R.E.; Eddins S.L. Digital
image processing using MATLAB
Gruber, W. Hightech-Industrieklebstoffe
: grundlagen und industrielle anwendungen
treating / J. R. Davis... [et al.]
Hempelmann, W. Stellantriebe
: vielfalt und intelligenz in steuerung und automation
Herwig, H. Waermeuebertragung
A-Z : systematische und ausfuehrliche erlaeuterungen wichtiger groessen
und konzepte
Hofmann, M. Antivibrationssysteme
: grundlagen, ausfuehrungen, anwendungen
Horton, W. E-learning
by design
Houghton, E.L.; Carpenter, P.W. Aerodynamics
for engineering students
House, D.J.
Seamanship techniques : for shipboard & maritime operations
Hudspeth, R.T. Waves
and wave forces on coastal and ocean structures
Hughes, W. F.; Brighton, J. A.
Theory and problems of fluid dynamics
drive systems : components and gear unit applications / Edwin Becker
... [et al.]
Jašarević, Z. Električni
strojevi : laboratorijske vježbe : pripreme za vježbe [i] radni listovi
Jaques, D. Salmon, G.
Learning in groups : a handbook for face-toface and online environments
Jensen, J.J. Load
and global response of ships
John, J.E.; Keith, T.G. Gas
Jović, V. Osnove
Kalea, M. Prijenos
električne energije, što je to?
Kayser, K. Hochfeste
schraubenverbindungen : auslegung, montage, sichern
Kirkup, L. Data
analysis with excel : an introduction for physicasl scientists
Krivy, J. Fundamentals
of design : rules o interchangeabilitiy : representations and dimensioning
of machine elements
Kreyszig, E.; Norminton, E.J. Mathematica
computer guide : a self-contained introduction
im motorraum : fertigungsverfahren und produkte
Lammle, T.
CCNA : cicco certified network associate : studijski priručnik , ispit
Lewandowsaki, E.M. The
dynamics of marine craft : maneuvering and seakeeping
Lighthill, J.
Waves in fluids
Linsmeier, K.-D.
Elektromagnetische Bremsen und Kupplungen : physikalische Grundlagen,
Bauarten, Anwendungen
Linsmeier, K.-D. Technische
keramik : werkstoff fuer hoechste ansprueche
Littlejohn, A.; Pegler, C.
Preparing for blended e-learning
Mack, F.J.; Wagner-Ambs, M. Getribemotoren
: prinzip, aufbau und einsatz
bearings and bearingless drives / A.Chiba, T.Fukao ...[et al.]
Marmann, U.; Koegel, M. Dezentralisierung
in der antriebstechnik : idee, anwendungstechnische grundlagen, praktische
Mason, R.; Rennie, F. Elearning
: The key concepts
analiza 3 : zadaci s pismenih ispita / priredio Mario-Osvin Pavčević
13 u matematici i vizuelizaciji : Mathcad edukacija, istraživanje operacija,
inženjerstvo, posebne oblasti, vizuelne forme / D. Letić ...[et al.]
Mathes, W. Gleitringdichtungen
: funktionsprinzip, bauarten, anwendungen
fatigue in engineering / Ralph I. Stephens...[et al.]
The metrology
handbook : the measurement quality division, ASQ / Jay L. Bucher,
and nanomanufacturing / edited by Mark J. Jackson
Moser, J. Šibensko
munjivo : crtice o izgradnji i korištenju prvog cjelovitog elektroprivrednog
sustava u Hrvatskoj
Moser, J.
Pregled razvoja elektroprivredne djelatnosti u Hrvatskoj : 1875.-2000.
Moser, J. Petojezični
elektroenergetski rječnik : hrvatski, engleski, francuski, njemački, talijanski
Mott, R.L. Applied
fluid mechanics
Mraz, P.; Talacko, J. Konstrukce
stroju s kompozitnimi materialy
corrosion engineer's reference book / R. Baboian, R.S.Tresedered.
Nadler, D.A.; Tushman, M.L.; Nadler, M.B. Competing
by design : the power of organizational architecture
Neumann, H.J. Koordinatenmesstechnik
: technologie und anwendung
Neumann, H.J. Koordinatenmesstechnik
im industriellen Einsatz : zehn jahre innovation
Newman, J.N. Marine
Nicholson, D.W. Finite
element analysis : thermomechanics of solids
Nienhaus, C.; Wilks, E. Antriebssysteme
in der Landtechnik : gelenkwellen, ueberlastkupplungen, getriebe
O'Connor P.D.T.; Newton, D.; Bromley, R. Practical
reliability engineering
Obsieger, B. Remenski
Obsieger, B.
Metoda rubnih elemenata
Obsieger, B. Valjni
Omura, G. AutoCAD
2006 : osnovne tehnike
Orlić, Ž.; Orlić, G. Planetni
Ožegović, M.; Ožegović, K. Električne
energetske mreže: 5
Paik, J.K.; Thayamballi, A.K. Ship-shaped
offshore installations : design, building, and operation
Paik, J.K.; Thayamballi, A.K. Ultimate
limit state design of steel-plated structures
Palloff, R.M.; Pratt, K.
Building online learning communities
Peruško, U.; Glavinić, V. Digitalni
Poestgens, U. Servolenksysteme
fuer Pkw und nutzfahrzeuge : leicht und sicher lenken
Pollard, S.F. Boatbuilding
with aluminium : a complete guide for the amateur and small shop
za baždarenje pomorskih brodova, brodica i jahti
za tehnički nadzor pomorskih brodova : opći propisi
za tehnički nadzor pomorskih brodova : upravljanje sigurnošću
of the International Symposium on Advances in Ship Collision Analysis
(1998 ; Copenhagen)
Proebster,M. Industriedichtstoffe
: grundlagen, auswaqhl und anwendungen
Pyper, M.; Schiffer, W.; Schneider, W. ABC
- Active Body Control : von der blattfederung zum aktiven system fuer
mehr fahrsicherheit und fahrkomfort
Pyzdek, T.
Quality engineering handbook
Rehtanz, C. Autonomous
systems and intelligent agents in power system control and operation
Rice IV, W.H. Moodle
: e-learning course development : a complete guide to successful learning
using moodle
Richardson, W. Blogs,
wikis, podcasts, and other powerful web tools for classrooms
Schaefer, K.D. Stetighydraulik
: grundlagen, ventiltechnik, regelkreise
Schmehl, B.
Leckagefreie hydraulikverbindungen : normung, funktionsweise und montage
von rohrverschraubungen
Sekulić-Štivčević, G. FrontPage
2003, WebStarter : ECDL odobrena literatura
Monte Carlo methods in practice / editors A.Doucet, N. de Freitas,
N. Gordon
Shenoi, R.A.; Wellicome, J.F. Composite
materials in maritime structures
: loessungen fuer den prozess- und personenschutz
Slapničar, I. Matematika
Smith, G.T. Industrial
metrology : surfaces and roundness
Stokoe, E.A. Ship
construction for marine students
Sze,S.M; Ng, K.K. Physics
of Semiconductor devices
Šošić, I. Primijenjena
Šribar, J.; Motik, B.
Demistificirani C++ : dobro upoznajte protivnika da biste njime ovladali
za iskazivanje mjerne nesigurnosti / [preveo i priredio Mirko Vuković]
Timman, R.; Hermans, A.J.; Hsiao, G.C. Water
waves and ship hydrodynamics
Tucker, M.J.; Pitt, E.G. Waves
in ocean engineering
Versteeg, H.V.; Malalasekera, W. An
introduction to computational fluid dynamics : the finite volume method
Virag, Z. Mehanika
fluida : odabrana poglavlja, primjeri i zadaci
za poduzetnike / [urednik V. Žanić]
Vlk, F.
Prevodova ustroji motorovych vozidel
Vrankić, M. Signali
i sustavi : zbirka riješenih zadataka
Wagner, A. Photovoltaik
engineering : handbuch fuer planung, entwicklung und anwendung
Weckerle, D. Raeder
und Rollen : bauarten, eigenschaften, einsatzgebiete
Weiss, G. Multiagent
systems : A modern approach to distruted artifical intelligence
Weller,M. Virtual
learning environments : using, choosing and developing your VLE
Wilms, H.
Verbindungstechnik : systemloesungen zur anwendung im baubereich
W. Brennstoffzelllenlagen
Wilson, J. F.
Dynamics of offshore structures
Wozniak, G. Zerstaeubungstechnik
: prinzipien, verfahren, geraete
Wright, H. Introduction
to scientific visualization
Wu, B. High-power
converters and AC drives
Xie, W.-C.
Dynamic stability of structures
Young, H.D.; Freedman, R. A. Sears
and Zemansky's University physics with modern physics
Zyma, J.; Neužil,M. Časti
a mechanismy stroju : potrubi a armatury
Abersek, B.; Flašker, J.
How gears break
Allen, J. J. Micro
electro mechanical system design
Altintas, Y. Manufacturing
automation : metal cutting mechanics, machine tool vibrations, and CNC
Bain, S.; Wilkinson, N. CorelDraw
12 zvanični vodič
Banks, J. Handbook
of simulation : principles, methodology, advances, applications and practice
Barnes, M.
Practical variable speed drives and power electronics
Barrass, C.B.
Ship design and performance for masters and mates
Bathen, D.; Breitbach, M. Adsorptionstechnik
Beiser, A. Applied
Blatner, D. Fraser, B. Adobe
Photoshop CS : realni svet
Brnić, J.; Turkalj G. Nauka
o čvrstoći II
Brodić, T. Osnove
energetske elektronike
Bronštejn, I. N. Matematički
Carter, N. Strategija
zaštite okoliša : ideje, aktivizam, djelovanje
manufacturing : one-pice flow for workteams / created by the productivity
development team
Chen, W.K. The
circuits and filters : handbook
Chiang, L.M.; Russell, E.L.; Braatz, R.D. Fault
detection and diagnosis in industrial systems
intelligence in manufacturing handbook / edited by J. Wang, A. Kusiak
Craig, J.J.
Introduction to robotics : mechanics and control
Čatić, Igor. Proizvodnja
polimernih tvorevina
Daniel, I. M.; Ishai, O. Engineering
mechanics of composite materials
Davidson, P.A.
Turbulence : an introduction for scientists and engineers
Deen, S.M.
Agent-based manufacturing : advances in the holonic approach
Dincer, I.; Rosen, M.A.
Thermal energy storage : systems and applications
system simulation / J. Banks, J.S. Carson II, B.L. Nelson, D.M. Nicol
Advanced Module AM5 Databases using Access 2003 : [European Computer Driving
Licence Syllabus 1.0]
Advanced Module AM6 Presentations using PowerPoint 2003 : [European Computer
Driving Licence Syllabus 1.0]
power systems quality / R.C. Dugan, M.F. McGranaghan, S. Santoso,
Fahy, F. Foundations
of engineering acoustics
Ferziger, J.H.; Perić, M. Computational
methods for fluid dynamics
Franco, S. Design
with operational amplifiers and analog integrated circuits
of Tool Design / D. Spitler, J. Lantrip, J.G. Nee, D. A. Smith
A gallery
of fluid motion / M. Samimy, K.S.Breuer ...[et al.]
Glazer, A.M.; Wark, J.S. Statistical
mechanics : a survival guide
Harrington, R. F.
Field computation by moment methods
Hodges, P.K.B. Hydraulic
Horvath, L.; Rudas, I.J. Modeling
and problem solving techniques for engineers
House, D.J. Cargo
work : for maritime operations
Hyer, N.; Wemmerlov, U.
Reorganizing the factory : completing through cellular manufacturing
to parallel computing / Ananth Grama, Anshul Gupta ... [et al.]
Jones, L.
New progress to first certificate : student's book
Jones, L. New
progress to first certificate : teacher's book
Jones, L.
New progress to first certificate : workbook with answers
management : concepts and best practices / editors K.Mertins, P.Heisig,
: grundlagen erfolgreicher produktenwicklung : methoden und anwendung
/ G.Pahl, W.Beitz, J.Feldhusen,
Kovačić, Z.; Bogdan, S.; Krajči, V. Osnove
Kurz, U.; Hintzen, H.; Laufenberg, H.
Konstruieren, gestalten, entwerfen : lehr- und arbeitsbuch fuer ds studium
der konstruktionstechnik
Kusiak, A.
Computational intelligence in design and manufacturing
Larson, R.; Edwards, B. H.; Falvo, D.C. Calculus
: an applied approach
Lindemann, U. Methodische
entwicklung technischer produkte : methoden flexibel und situationsgerecht
Lomax, H.; Pulliam, T.H.; Zingg, D.W. Fundamentals
of computational fluid dynamics
Majdandžić, F. Uzemljivači
i sustavi uzemljenja
Majdandžić, N. Izgradnja
informacijskih sustava proizvodnih poduzeća
Messler, R.W.
Joining of materials and structures : from pragmatic process to enabling
Meyers, F.E.; Stephens, M.P.
Manufacturing facilities design and material handling
windows XP professional : resource kit / the Microsoft Windows team
Modlic, B.;Modlic, I. Modulacije i modulatori
: serija: visokofrekvencijska elektronika
Modlic, B.; Bartolić,J.
Miješanje, mješala i sintezatori frekvencije : serija: visokofrekvencijska
Murphy, R. E.
English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for
intermediate students of english with answers.
Murphy, R.R. Introduction
to A1 Robotics
Nasar, S. A.
Electric power systems
Tesla - i bi svjetlo! : Smiljan, 10. 7. 1856. - New York, 7. 1. 1943.
/ tekstovi R. Filipin ... [et al.] ; uredio Z.
linear algebra for high-performance computers / J, J. Dongarra, L.S.
Duff, D.C. Sorensen, H. A. van
der Vorst
Pacheco, P. S. Parallel
Programming with MPI
modificiranja i prevlačenja površina : priručnik za primjenu / uredili
T. Filetin, K. Grilec
Prpić-Oršić, J.; Čorić, V. Pomorstvenost
plovnih objekata
Rappaz, M.; Bellet, M.; Deville, M.
Numerical modeling in materials science and engineering
Ratner, L.W. Non-linear
theory of elasticity and optimal design : how to build safe economical
machines and structures : how to build proven
reliable physical theory
Rebhan, E. Energiehandbuch
: gewinnung, wandlung und nutzung von energie
Reddy, J.N. Mechanics
of laminated composite plates and shells : theory and analysis
Rehg, J.A.
Computer-integrated manufacturing
Saadat, H.
Power system analysis
Schmitz, K.W.; Schaumann, G.
Smid, P. CNC
programming handbook : a comprehensive guide to practical CNC programming
Soliman, S. S.; Srinath, M. D. Continuous
and discrete signals and systems
of parallel computing / J. Dongarra, I. Foster... [et al.]
Stojković, N.; Naglić, V.; Mijat, N. Teorija
mreža i linija
Stojković, N.
Teorija mreža i linija: zbirka zadataka
Stojković, N.; Mijat, N.
Analogna obrada signala
Stroud, K.A.; Booth, D. J. Advanced
engineering mathematics
materijali i postupci / uredio T. Filetin
Tada, H.; Paris, P.C.; Irwin, G.R.
The Stress Analysis of Cracks Handbook
keramika / prijevod T. Filetin, I. Kramer
keramika : priručnik za primjenu / prijevod T. Filetin, I. Kramer
Thorley, A.R.D. Fluid
Transients in Pipeline Systems : a guide to the control and suppression
of fluid transients in liquids in closed
Trzynadlowski, A. M.
Control of induction motors
Vujnović, V.
Rječnik astronomije i fizike svemirskog prostora : s prijevodom termina
s hrvatskoga na engleski, s englesko-hrvatskim
abecedarijem odabranih pojmova i s pomoćnim tablicama : uvršteni su brojni
akronimi, posebno iz istraživanja svemirskog
Vukić, Z.; Kuljača, Lj. Automatsko
upravljanje : analiza linearnih sustava
Wang, C.M.; Wang, C.Y.; Reddy, C.Y.
Exact solutions for buckling of structural members
Ware, C.
Information visualization : perception for design
Watson, N.; Arrillaga, J. Power
systems electromagnetic transients simulation
Weinmann, E.; Lourekas, P.
Vizualni brzi vodič illustrator CS za windows i machintosh
Winston, W.L. Operations
research: applications and Algorithms
Winston, W.L.
Operations research: international to probability models
Wysocki, R.L.; McGary R. Effective
project management : traditional, adaptive, extreme